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320+ Short Clean Jokes That Actually Are Funny - Linepoetry

Funny Jokes Clean: List Of Funniest Short Clean Jokes For Kids, Adults, Family & Friends That You Can Share To Anyone To Make Them Laugh

short clean jokes in english images

How do you make a tissue dance😬😬? Put a little boogie in it.

short clean jokes in english images

What did the tie say to the hat😁😁? You go on ahead. I’ll hang around.

short clean jokes in english images

Why are crabs so bad at sharing🙂🙂? Because they’re all shellfish.

short clean jokes in english images

Did you hear about the painter who was🤢🤢 hospitalized? The doctors say it was due to too many strokes.

short clean jokes in english images

What do you call malware on a Kindle🥴🥴? A bookworm.

short clean jokes in english images

Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay🙃🙃? Because then they’d be bagels.

short clean jokes in english images

How much space will be freed in the EU😄😄 after Brexit? Approximately 1 GB.

short clean jokes in english images

I tried to win a suntanning competition😬😬. But all I got was bronze.

short clean jokes in english images

What did the duck say when it🙂🙂 bought some lipstick? “Put it on my bill.”

short clean jokes in english images

Why did the cowboy get a wiener dog😁😁? He wanted to get a long little doggie.

short clean jokes in english images

I told my friend ten jokes to make him laugh😄😄. Sadly, no pun in ten did.

short clean jokes in english images

I stayed up all night and tried to figure🤢🤢 out where the sun was. Then it dawned on me.

short clean jokes in english images

What’s the difference between an 🙃🙃oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste, mostly.

short clean jokes in english images

Why don’t blind people skydive🥴🥴? Because it scares their dogs.

short clean jokes in english images

As a scarecrow, people say I’m😁😁 outstanding in my field. But hay, it’s in my jeans.

short clean jokes in english images

How did the hipster burn his mouth😬😬? He ate his pizza before it was cool.

short clean jokes in english images

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says😄😄, “Why the long face?”

short clean jokes in english images

You know why you never see🙂🙂 elephants hiding up in trees? Because they’re really good at it.

short clean jokes in english images

What did the Buddhist ask the hot dog vendor🤢🤢? “Make me one with everything.”

short clean jokes in english images

How much teddy bears never want🙃🙃 to eat anything? Because they’re always stuffed.

short clean jokes in english images

What’s a pirate’s favorite letter🥴🥴? You probably think it’s “R” but it be the “C”.

short clean jokes in english images

Want to hear a joke about a roof😬😬? The first one’s on the house.

short clean jokes in english images

Why aren’t koalas considered bears😁😁? They don’t have the right koala-fications.

short clean jokes in english images

What gets wetter the more it dries🙂🙂? A towel.