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320+ Short Clean Jokes That Actually Are Funny - Linepoetry

Funny Jokes Clean: List Of Funniest Short Clean Jokes For Kids, Adults, Family & Friends That You Can Share To Anyone To Make Them Laugh

short clean jokes in english images

How did the blonde die ice fishing?😜😜 She was hit by the zamboni.

short clean jokes in english images

I told my friend 10 jokes to get 🙂🙂him to laugh. Sadly, no pun in 10 did.

short clean jokes in english images

How did the hipster burn his mouth😁😁? He ate the pizza before it was cool.

short clean jokes in english images

I poured root beer in a square glass🥴🥴. Now I just have beer.

short clean jokes in english images

Why doesn’t the sun go to college🤢🤢? Because it has a million degrees!

short clean jokes in english images

What does a pepper do 🙂🙂when it’s angry? It gets jalapeño face!

short clean jokes in english images

What do you call a train carrying bubblegum🙃🙃? A chew-chew train.

short clean jokes in english images

How do you make a tissue dance😁😁? You put a little boogie in it.

short clean jokes in english images

Why did the tomato blush?😜😜 Because it saw the salad dressing.

short clean jokes in english images

Why aren’t koalas actual bears🥴🥴? The don’t meet the koalafications.

short clean jokes in english images

Why were they called the Dark 🤢🤢Ages? Because there were lots of knights.

short clean jokes in english images

Why were they called the 🙂🙂Dark Ages? Because there were lots of knights.

short clean jokes in english images

I got my husband a fridge for his🤢🤢 birthday. His face lit up when he opened it.

short clean jokes in english images

Why was the tomato red? Because🙃🙃 he saw the salad dressing.

short clean jokes in english images

How does a farmer mend his overalls😁😁? With cabbage patches.

short clean jokes in english images

I used to be addicted to not showering🥴🥴. Luckily, I've been clean for five years.

short clean jokes in english images

What does the world's top dentist😜😜 get? A little plaque.

short clean jokes in english images

What's a balloon's least 🙂🙂favorite type of music? Pop.

short clean jokes in english images

What's the easiest way to🤢🤢 get straight As? Use a ruler.

short clean jokes in english images

People think "icy" is the easiest 🙃🙃word to spell. Come to think of it, I see why.

short clean jokes in english images

How does a dog stop a video?🥴🥴 By hitting the paws button!

short clean jokes in english images

How many tickles does it take😁😁 to make an Octopus laugh? Ten-tickles.

short clean jokes in english images

What bow can't be tied? 😜😜A rainbow!

short clean jokes in english images

What is the best day to go to 🙂🙂the beach? Sunday, of course!