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320+ Jokes For Short People Will Crosse Laughing Boundary

Jokes For Short People: There Are Funniest And Hilarious Jokes About Short People That Can Make You Laugh & Send To Short People To Make Them Hilarious

funny jokes for short people

You’re so short; if you pull up 🤣🤣your pants you’d be blind.

funny jokes for short people

Attack on Titan is actually slice of 😃😃life For short people

funny jokes for short people

Do you know what always catches my eye?😂😂 Short people with umbrellas.

funny jokes for short people

Short people are always sad Because😁😁 they can never reach happiness

funny jokes for short people

If short people smoke weed , Do they 😃😃get high or medium?

funny jokes for short people

It’s easy to make fun of short people.🤣🤣 The jokes always go over their head.

funny jokes for short people

Short people shouldn’t hate 😜😜short jokes We’re just complaining that we need more of them

funny jokes for short people

Short people are materialistic.😁😁 Tall people are bigger than that. They can see past it.

funny jokes for short people

I’m not saying short people are inferior😂😂 but I do look down on them.

funny jokes for short people

Why can’t short people become chefs? 😃😃Because it’s a high steaks job

funny jokes for short people

Why can’t short people get depressed? 🤣🤣They’re always looking up!

funny jokes for short people

When short people smoke weed, they 😜😜don’t get high They get medium

funny jokes for short people

Short people are oppressed They’re 😜😜always getting overlooked.

funny jokes for short people

You shouldn’t make fun of short people 😂😂They belittle themselves.

funny jokes for short people

Never fight short people😁😁 They hit below the belt

funny jokes for short people

I love short people They’re more🤣🤣 down to earth.

funny jokes for short people

Do you know what always catches my eye?😃😃 Short people with umbrellas

funny jokes for short people

What do you call short people on a 😜😜merry-go-round? A midget spinner

funny jokes for short people

How do short people greet others? 😂😂They microwave.

funny jokes for short people

Midgets are always the last to find out😁😁 when the rains start.

funny jokes for short people

The only difference between short 🤣🤣people and gnomes is their ability to speak.

funny jokes for short people

Someone said it sounds like plates breaking 😃😃when two midgets have s*x.

funny jokes for short people

You’re so short you could use a pillow 😂😂as your bed and still have some wiggle room.

funny jokes for short people

You’re so short, you can swing your🤣🤣 legs when you sit on a stool.