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50+ Dentist Jokes That Will Dentist Laugh - Linepoetry

Dentist Jokes: In This Post, There Are Funny Dentist Jokes For Your Kids & Dentist With Images That You Can Share To Dentist To Make Them Laugh

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What to do you call an old dentist? 🦷🦷A bit long in the tooth.

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Why did the deer need braces? He had buck teeth.

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What did the dentist see at the North Pole? 🔎🔎A molar bear.

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What do tuba players use to brush their teeth? A tuba toothpaste.

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What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.

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What does the dentist do when he’s on😬😬 a roller coaster? Brace himself.

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What does the dentist give a bear with🦷🦷 a hurting tooth? Anything it wants.

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Who’s job is the most dangerous in Transylvania? The dentist who works on Dracula.

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When did the dentist become a brain surgeon? When he dropped the drill.

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Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out?🔎🔎 He was already taking out a tooth.

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What does a dentist do on a roller coaster? He braces himself.

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What did the Guelph dentist see at the North Pole? A molar bear.

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Why do dentists like potatoes? 🦷🦷Because they are so filling.

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My dentist said I should try flossing more. I’ve started taking dance lessons now.

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My wife who was a dentist passed away😬😬. I’ve loved and I’ve flossed.

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What’s a dentist’s favourite dinosaur?🔎🔎 A Flossiraptor

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What did Ash Ketchum say to his tooth when he pulled it out? I Chews You!

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What do dentists call their x-rays?🦷🦷 Tooth pics.

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What was the tooth called who went to Oxford University? The Wisdom Tooth.

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What’s a dentist’s favourite emote to use when they play Fortnite? The floss.

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What does the dentist of the year get?🔎🔎 A little plaque.

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What do you call a dentist that doesn’t like tea? 😬😬Denis

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What did the dentist say to Tiger Woods?🦷🦷 “You have a hole in one. “

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When is the best time for a dentist appointment? Tooth hurty.