550+ Love Status In English For Boys & Girls - Linepoetry

Love Status English: These Are Heart Touching & Romantic Love Status For Boys & Girls That You Can Send To Your Love & Inspire With Your Feelings

love status in english, 2 line status

If a hug tell how much I love you💕💕, I would hold you in my arms forever.

love status in english, 2 line status

I have tested all sweet 🥰🥰dishes but they are not sweet as my lover is…

love status in english, 2 line status

I love you like a fat💘💘 kid loves cake.

love status in english, 2 line status

We fight like a married😘😘 couple, talk like best friends, and flirt like first loves..

love status in english, 2 line status

Love is the only game💌💌 never postponed due to darkness.

love status in english, 2 line status

If your heart was a 💘💘prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.

love status in english, 2 line status

I didn’t choose you, 🥰🥰My heart did.

love status in english, 2 line status

Let love be your motivation😘😘 – the driving force behind everything.

love status in english, 2 line status

There may be a million 💕💕things to smile about, but you are definitely my favorite one…..!!

love status in english, 2 line status

My favourite place in this world is💝💝, “Next to You”

love status in english, 2 line status

The person who loves😻😻 you truly is the most precious thing in your life..

love status in english, 2 line status

We fall in love by chance💌💌 but we stay in love by choice.

love status in english, 2 line status

When someone else 💘💘happiness is your happiness, it’s called true love.

love status in english, 2 line status

Bees love honey…people😘😘 love money…but I LOVE YOU

love status in english, 2 line status

Love does not consists of 🥰🥰gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

love status in english, 2 line status

You may be someone😻😻 to the world but you are the world for someone.

love status in english, 2 line status

Insomnia can be a blessing💕💕 if you have someone to talk with, the whole night..

love status in english, 2 line status

I dont hate people😘😘, I just love people who love me

love status in english, 2 line status

If you expect something💘💘 in return, It’s called business, not love.

love status in english, 2 line status

True love is when she talks💌💌 non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.

love status in english, 2 line status

Every friendship dosen’t 🥰🥰change into love but every love begins with friendship

love status in english, 2 line status

You looking most amazing💕💕,wonderful,fantastic,smart,charming, dazzing…

love status in english, 2 line status

I wont deny that I like you💘💘. Neither would I admit.

love status in english, 2 line status

When the heart takes over,💌💌 the mind can’t do a thing!


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