You Can’t Blame Gravity💛💛 For Falling In LOVE..
Made For Each💝💝 Other
Never Give Up On💌💌 Someone’s Love.
Love Is Not What😍😍 You Say, Love is what you do.
If It Is Real, It Will 🥰🥰Never Be Over.
Love is not what the🧡🧡 mind thinks, but what the heart feels.
Mightier than the waves 💌💌at sea is my love for you.
Every moment spent 💝💝with you is a moment I treasure
Being in love with you💛💛… Makes every day worth getting up for.
Love Has No Age No😍😍 Limit & No Death.
There is a peace when🥰🥰 there is a love, Let’s love to create a peace
I like it when you smile 💌💌but I love it when I’m the reason
I won’t give up on you💝💝… So don’t give up on me…
Everyday I look at the🧡🧡 keyboard, And I always see you and I together
I don’t want to be your😍😍 number one, I want to be your only one.
I will love you until the💛💛 stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.
I get mad🥰🥰 because i care.
If I know what love is💌💌, it is because of you.
And in the end, the love 💝💝you take, is equal to the love you make.
When I look into your eyes😍😍, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.
You may hold my hand for 💌💌a while, but you hold my heart forever.
Never Forget About 💛💛The Ones That Love You Back.
You Smile When You💝💝 Happy I Smile When I See You Happy.
Love Is Just a Word Until🧡🧡 Someone Special Gives It A Meaning.