One Day I Will Travel The💌💌 World With The Person I Love.
Come live in my 💝💝heart and pay no rent
My night has become😘😘 a sunny dawn because of you
The best thing to hold 💘💘onto in life is each other
I love you begins by I,🥰🥰 but it ends up by you
Waking up with 😘😘a big smile on a tiny face makes my heart melt
All Babies are a gift💝💝 just waiting to be unwrapped and loved.
Live generously💘💘 love truthfully…
Love is cute when💌💌 it’s new, but love is most beautiful when it lasts.
When words fail🥰🥰, tears speak.
Love is like a dream💝💝 when its just me and you
If you love me be sure😘😘 I love you as much as you do.
Love in your heart💘💘 brings life to your soul.
Don’t cry for the💌💌 person who doesn’t know the value of your tears…
Love what you do. 💛💛Do what you love.
Be smart be safe💛💛 stay away of love
Distance is just a test🥰🥰 , how far love can travel!!
Love don’t need💝💝 perfectness it’s need to be true
Don’t disturb me, I am 😘😘disturbed enough already.
Dance like no one💘💘 is watching; and love like it will never hurt.
I am someone else💌💌 when I’m with you, someone more like myself.
A sweetheart is a 🥰🥰bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.
You can rest in my 💝💝life forever
We love because💌💌 it’s the only true adventure.