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400+ Short Success Quotes To Be Motivated 2024 - Linepoetry

Success Quotes: There Are Motivational & Inspirational Success Quotes For Students, Work, Business, Team, Men To Keep Always Motivate & Inspire Yourself

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Life is like riding a bicycle🏆🏆. To keep your balance you must keep moving. —Albert Einstein

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Set your goals high, and🤑🤑 don’t stop till you get there. —Bo Jackson

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He that can have patience🎯🎯 can have what he will. ―Benjamin Franklin

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Small is not just a stepping-stone🥇🥇. Small is a great destination itself. ―Jason Fried

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Rivers know this: there is no💯💯 hurry. We shall get there some day. ―A.A. Milne

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True freedom is impossible without 🔑🔑a mind made free by discipline. ―Mortimer J. Adler

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Don't look at your feet to see🤑🤑 if you are doing it right. Just dance. ―Anne Lamott

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I have stood on a mountain🏆🏆 of no’s for one yes. —Barbara Elaine Smith

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Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark🎯🎯. Aim for the company of immortals. ―David Ogilvy

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Show up, show up, show up💯💯, and after a while the muse shows up, too. —Isabel Allende

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Inspiration does exist🥇🥇 but it must find you working. —Pablo Picasso

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If you’re not positive energy🔑🔑, you’re negative energy. — Mark Cuban

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Don't let someone else's opinion🤑🤑 of you become your reality — Les Brown

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It is never too late to be🎯🎯 what you might have been. — George Eliot

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Love your family, work super hard💯💯, live your passion. — Gary Vaynerchuk

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Opportunities don't happen🏆🏆, you create them. — Chris Grosser

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Alone we can do so little🥇🥇, together we can do so much. — Helen Keller

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Talent wins games, but teamwork🤑🤑 and intelligence win championships. — Michael Jordan

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People say nothing is impossible🎯🎯, but I do nothing every day. — Winnie the Pooh

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Work until your bank account🔑🔑 looks like a phone number. — Unknown

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Be a positive energy trampoline🏆🏆 – absorb what you need and rebound more back. — Dave Carolan

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The most difficult thing is the🥇🥇 decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. —Amelia Earhart

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Education is the most powerful 💯💯weapon which you can use to change the world. — Nelson Mandela

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The successful man will profit🏆🏆 from his mistakes and try again in a different way. – Dale Carnegie