In order to be irreplaceable🥇🥇 one must always be different. —Coco Chanel
I choose to make the rest 🏆🏆of my life the best of my life. —Louise Hay
If it makes you nervous💯💯, you’re doing it right. —Childish Gambino
If you don’t like the road 🤑🤑you’re walking, start paving another one. —Dolly Parton
Keep a little fire burning; 🎯🎯however small, however hidden. ―Cormac McCarthy
More is lost by indecision 🥇🥇than wrong decision. —Marcus Tullius Cicero
Courage is like a muscle⭐⭐. We strengthen it by use. —Ruth Gordo
If there is no struggle, 💯💯there is no progress. —Frederick Douglass
The best way out is always 🏆🏆through. ―Robert Frost
We can see through others🤑🤑 only when we can see through ourselves. – Bruce Lee
Nothing ever goes away until it 💯💯teaches us what we need to know. – Pema Chodron
Hustle beats talent when talent 🥇🥇doesn’t hustle – Ross Simmonds
Start where you are. Use⭐⭐ what you have. Do what you can. — Arthur Ashe
If you don’t risk anything, 🎯🎯you risk even more. —Erica Jong
Somewhere, something💯💯 incredible is waiting to be known. —Carl Sagan
A year from now you will 🥇🥇wish you had started today. —Unknown
I never look back, darling🤑🤑. It distracts from the now. —Edna Mode
Worry is a misuse of imagination🔑🔑. —Unknown
The greater the difficulty💯💯, the more the glory in surmounting it. ―Epicurus
Live out of your imagination🎯🎯, not your history. —Stephen Covey
Be sure you put your feet⭐⭐ in the right place, then stand firm. ―Abraham Lincoln
If you can't yet do great things🥇🥇, do small things in a great way. ―Napoleon Hill
I have never let my schooling🏆 interfere with my education. —Mark Twain
What you do speaks so loudly 🤑🤑that I cannot hear what you say. —Ralph Waldo Emerson