You are so old that there is🤡🤡 a bonfire on your cake. But happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to the 18-year-old🎂🎂 with 32 years of working experience.
May you get everything that🥳🥳 you wish for, and your wife knows nothing about it too! Happy Birthday!
Your birthday gives me one😽😽 more chance to gift you stuff that I need. Happy Birthday dear brother!
Happy Birthday, son! Your🎁🎁 existence taught me the valuable lesson of protection of one’s assets.
Happy birthday! May you 🎉🎉live long enough to see Amazon delivering on the moon.
You are just getting younger😽😽 in reverse! Happy birthday!
Thanks for always being🥳🥳 older than me. Happy birthday buddy.
Good luck getting a cake🤡🤡 big enough to fit all those candles! Happy birthday buddy.
Happy birthday dude. Enjoy🎂🎂 another 365 days of an all-expense paid trip around the sun.
Happy birthday gal, I am political🙂🙂 enough to remember your birth date but to forget your age.
Hit a donkey with your foot 🎉🎉and have a kick-ass birthday!
Take two pieces of cake, 🎁🎁one in each hand and you’ll be on a balanced diet.
Happy birthday man, and if🎉🎉 someone calls you old, whack him with your walking stick.
Happy birthday and welcome😽😽 to the ’29 years old forever’ club!
Happy birthday buddy. 🥳🥳Don’t you worry about getting so old. That was something that happened years ago.
One more year of warming🤡🤡 your butt on my couch. Happy birthday!
I hope you enjoy your🎂🎂 birthday just like when you were born in this world. Without clothes.
Another birthday comes by🎉🎉 with more candles on your cake and less hairs on your head!
Another year closer to getting🙂🙂 those senior citizen seats on buses! Happy birthday.
Happy birthday! I hope you🎁🎁 get dope and happiness. Sorry, hope and happiness.
Blow me, says your lighted candle!🥳🥳 Happy birthday buddy.
Roses are red, Violets are blue,🎂🎂 Candles are years Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday! May you🤡🤡 live to be old and toothless.