Give yourself the grace to see 💌 💌 what others can’t see about you.
You are blooming in such a mysterious way that even you can’t see it.
It’s okay to choose yourself and💕💕 make yourself a priority.
Stop waiting for the right time. It’s time for you to go for it.
You are beautiful, unique and🥰🥰 full of magic.
Do not let anyone ever make you feel like you are not enough.
To find the light, you must learn💌 💌 to embrace the darkness.
When each day feels like a war, at last, we all learn how to conquer it.
I don’t need to define myself for anyone. I am me and that’s enough.
You are enough just as💕💕 you are.
You really are good enough, pretty enough and strong enough.
You are not asking for too much🥰🥰, you are asking from the wrong people.
You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning.
You always were have always been and will always be enough.
You are enough for a plant like💌 💌 me to grow once and again.
I hope you know that you have a beautiful heart and the kindest soul.
You are a very strong you, you are a true warrior.
You alone are enough. 🥰🥰You have nothing to prove to anybody.
Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers.
That true self-love and social 💕💕are the same.
Why do people tell others what they deserve but never themselves?
If they are not believers, 💌 💌 It doesn’t mean you are not magic.
You have enough. You do enough. You are enough. Relax.
You are enough and you 🥰🥰don’t need to prove it to anyone.