Every new day is a😊😊 chance to change your life.
If you wake up without😮😮 goals, go back to sleep.
Be a light in the🤗🤗 Darkness
Life is not return 😮😮gift Enjoy your life
don’t be same as😜😜 other be awesome yourself.
simplicity is a best 🤪🤪Shine of Gentleman
Your Character😁😁 defines your way of living
Someday I will leave😊😊 And never come back.
A reasonable man🤗🤗 should avoid anger and enmity.
Learn to work alone😮😮 It will make you stronger.
Don’t tell people about 😜😜your dreams. show them
Great Things Never😁😁 Come From Comfort Zones
Failure is not an option🤗🤗, Everyone has to succeed.
A negative mind will 🤪🤪never give you a postiive life.
Don’t Let Yesterday😊😊 Take Up Too Much Of Today.
No one can make you😜😜 feel Inferior without your consent.
Your future is hidden in🤗🤗 the teacher’s pen..
The sun is somewhere😮😮 shining even when it rains.
You only live once😁😁, so do everything twice.
I’m not single, I’m just 😜😜romantically challenged.
This is the beginning of the🤪🤪 sentence you just finished reading.
Defeat your enemies🤗🤗 with your success.
To shine like the sun😊😊, you need to burn like one.
Pray, slay, and 😮😮conquer the day.