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130+ Reality Quotes About Life To See Reality - Linepoetry

Reality Quotes: Top Reality Quotes About Your Success, Life, Love, Failure, Relationships To See The Reality & Know The Secret Facts Behind The Scenes

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Life isn’t about finding yourself.😊😊 Life is about creating yourself.

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Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.

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Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.

reality quotes about life, love

Reality is the leading cause of 🙂🙂stress amongst those in touch with it.

reality quotes about life, love

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.

reality quotes about life, love

Life is about making an impact, not making an income.

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The difference between fiction 😊😊and reality? Fiction has to make sense.

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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

reality quotes about life, love

When you argue with reality🙂🙂, you'll lose.

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Reality is a cliché from which we escape by metaphor.

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Love is the suspension of reality in favor of the sublime.

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Reality is a lovely place😊😊, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

reality quotes about life, love

There were two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations.

reality quotes about life, love

Reality does not conform 🙂🙂to the ideal, but confirms it

reality quotes about life, love

Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.

reality quotes about life, love

It is not length of life, but depth of life.

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Reality is not always 😊😊probable, or likely.

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You create your own reality.

reality quotes about life, love

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

reality quotes about life, love

Reality is that which,🙂🙂 when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.

reality quotes about life, love

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

reality quotes about life, love

Never take life seriously😊😊. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

reality quotes about life, love

Reality is frequently inaccurate.

reality quotes about life, love

What we achieve inwardly🙂🙂 will change outer reality.