Be willing to be a beginner every🔑🔑 single morning.
There is no traffic jam along🏆🏆 the extra mile.
Nothing is more beautiful than 🥇🥇the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.
Success is the sum of small efforts💯💯, repeated day-in and day-out.
Give every day the chance to🤑🤑 become the most beautiful day of your life.
What is not started today is🏆🏆 never finished tomorrow.
No one can ever bring the morning🎯🎯 back at midnight.
Climb the day, Drop your dreams🔑🔑, Possess the day.
It was a morning like other mornings 🥇🥇and yet perfect among mornings.
When you wake up every morning🤑🤑, let thanksgiving be your first thought.
Even if you’re on the right track,💯💯 you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
The best dreams happen🏆🏆 when you’re awake.
The best way out is🤑🤑 always through.
Be pleasant until ten o’clock in🎯🎯 the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself.
You must be the change you wish🥇🥇 to see in the world.
If you cannot do great things, do 💯💯small things in a great way.
Never give up on something that🔑🔑 you can’t go a day without thinking about.
All our dreams can come true🏆🏆 – if we have the courage to pursue them.
Too many of us are not living our🎯🎯 dreams because we are living our fears.
I am thankful for all of those who said🥇🥇 NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.
Dream big and💯💯 dare to fail.
The difference between 🤑🤑ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
Tough times never last,🤑🤑 but tough people do.
Winning isn’t everything🏆🏆, but wanting to win is.