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80+ Mindfulness Quotes To Start Your Work - Linepoetry

Mindfulness Quotes: In This Post, The Most Powerful & Motivational 'mindfulness Quotes For Work, Stress' To Start Your Work With Great Startup

mindfulness quotes for work

Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need 🧘🧘to remember to do it.

mindfulness quotes for work

The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.

mindfulness quotes for work

Many people are alive but don’t touch😊😊 the miracle of being alive.

mindfulness quotes for work

Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built

mindfulness quotes for work

Mindfulness is a simple practice,😀😀 but not an easy one … but you are worth doing hard things.

mindfulness quotes for work

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t🧘🧘 work if it isn’t open.

mindfulness quotes for work

Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.

mindfulness quotes for work

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

mindfulness quotes for work

Everything is created twice. First in the mind and then in reality.

mindfulness quotes for work

Worrying is stupid. It’s like walking 😊😊around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain.

mindfulness quotes for work

You are the sky. Everything else is 🧘🧘just the weather.

mindfulness quotes for work

Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices, skillfully made, lead to freedom.

mindfulness quotes for work

Mindfulness is a way of befriending😀😀 ourselves and our experience.

mindfulness quotes for work

Paradise is not a place; it’s a state 😊😊of consciousness.

mindfulness quotes for work

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.

mindfulness quotes for work

The first and best victory is to conquer self.

mindfulness quotes for work

Remember the blue sky. It may at🧘🧘 times be obscured by clouds, but it is always there.

mindfulness quotes for work

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.

mindfulness quotes for work

The way you speak to😀😀 yourself matters.

mindfulness quotes for work

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves😊😊 freedom from your mind too.

mindfulness quotes for work

You can’t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf

mindfulness quotes for work

You cannot control the results,🧘🧘 only your actions.

mindfulness quotes for work

Wherever you go,😀😀 there you are.

mindfulness quotes for work

The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.