Yes, she knows pain, but 🏆🏆she is strong. Her heart knows no other way.
Know what your worth is and🥇🥇 then add the tax to that amount.
You are a woman; that is your 🎯 🎯 superpower
You don’t have to play masculine💯💯 to be a strong woman.
Women are incredible in🤩🤩 groups together. Terrifying. Men have nothing on them.
Women’s value has been under-recognized for👩👩 far too long.
I do not wish women to have 🎯 🎯 power over men, but over themselves.
She’s a mess of gorgeous🏆🏆 chaos, and you can see it in her eyes.
Women hold up👩👩 half the sky.
In our society, the women who break👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩 down barriers are those who ignore limits
Women are made to be loved💯💯, not understood.
Women are the real architects🥇🥇 of society.
Don’t stop until 🤩🤩you’re proud.
I expect woman will be the last 🎯 🎯thing civilized by man.
Never be ashamed of a scar👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.
Throw me to the wolves🏆🏆 and I will return leading the pack.
She’s a strong cup of black 💯💯coffee in a world that is drunk on the cheap wine of shallow love
I am proud of the woman🤩🤩 I am today because I went through one hell of a time to become her.
Never bend your head. Always 👩👩hold it high. Look the world straight in the face.
She’s everything; even when🥇🥇 she’s treated like nothing
Her soul is fierce, her heart is brave🤩🤩, her mind is strong
She remembered who she was💯💯 and the game changed
Be the woman you needed 🎯 🎯 as a girl
Strong back. Soft front🏆🏆. Wild heart. Just be you