I can’t stop noticing things 😞😞now that I’ve started doing it.
I see everything. I keep quiet about it. But I understand. I know.
Because I’m observant, I don’t react; but trust me, I notice everything.
Great people notice everything😔😔, but they never get offended.
My vision is my best attribute. I can see everything.
Remember I notice everything I am just silent now.
You can’t say you’re not observant🥺🥺, because you are. And then some.
I notice everything, I just don’t speak on it.
I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.
Introvert. I notice everything😔😔, but I don’t say anything.
You notice. And noticing, you live.
It is not necessary to react😔😔 to everything you notice.
I think a lot I notice everything but I never say a word.
I’m the kind of person who notices everything,🥺🥺 even when I don’t want to.
I don’t react to things unless they’re worth reacting to, but I see them.
I notice everything. And by everything,😔😔 I literally mean everything.
My biggest problem is that I notice everything.
I notice everything😔😔, but I don’ t show it.
Observe everything without prejudice
I’ve got a lot going on in my head at all times, but I see everything happening.
Just being I don’t react🥺🥺, doesn’t mean I didn’t notice.
I notice everything yesterday, I notice every thing today. What changed is My way of reacting to it
I notice everything, and I observe everything.
I know more than I say, think more than I speak😔😔, and notice more than you realize.