Wishing you a refreshing cup🥰🥰 of coffee and a very short Monday! Good morning!
A lot of people do not live by their motivational quotes, so no speech for you today honey!
When the sun came up…😘😘 I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began.
I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.
Yesterday must have been 💕💕canceled, but not today. So wake up my love!
Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great.
I have been loving you a little 🥰🥰more every minute since this morning.
Don’t make me rise so early by sending good morning texts. I want to dream more about you and me.
Good morning my love. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. You are all I need.
Good morning my love! Being 💕💕with you feels as if we are living in a paradise on earth.
Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Some people need coffee in🥰🥰 the morning to wake up, but all I need is to think of you.
One day I am going to wake up and kiss the love of my life good morning.
If forever does exist, please 😘😘let it be you…
Morning without you is a💕💕 dwindled dawn.
I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.
Meeting you was not the first day of the rest of my life, it was actually the best.
Good morning, wishing you 🥰🥰a seriously wonderful and fabulous day!
Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.
My love, my life, my heart, my half … Do not forget that I love you !!! Good Morning!
I just want to come over, hug you💕💕 tight, and kiss you good morning.
I don’t need paradise because I found you…I don’t need dreams because I already have you. Good Morning!!
I just want to come over, hug you tight and kiss you good morning.
If I know what love is, it is🥰🥰 because of you.