Every day I burn some😔😔 desires and send some wishes every day.

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If you love someone more☹️☹️, he will hurt you the most. see also - I hate my life quotes

Quotes by linepoetry.com

Suffering does not change😟😟 you but it brings out the inner you. - see difference between quote and quotation

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Nothing on earth is permanent💔💔, not even your suffering.

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I walk in the rain so no one can😭😭 see my tears.

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The one from whom you will😟😟 suffer the most in the future is the one closest to you today.

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Love means not only😔😔 getting close but also holding the pain of leaving.

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Selfish people can never💔💔 feel the pain of others.

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Your own people are enough☹️☹️ to cry with care.

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The word ‘happiness’ would😭😭 lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.